Monday, September 17, 2007

Latin 1 - TA Office Hours

Hey Latin 1 Students! It's your friendly class TA, Rachael!

I'm going to offer a weekly office hour on Thursday afternoons from 3:00 - 4:00 for anyone who needs extra help or has questions about anything. You can check the course's page at BlackBoard for more information.


PS - Professor, I forgot to ask you, what is the room number?

Addendum (thanks to Professor M): You'll find me in CPR 279, y'all.


E Pluribus Unum said...

279, and I will let you in at 3 after class.

I cannot thank you enough for this, on my own behalf and on that of the students. We are really lucky to have you sit in our class!


RaeS said...

It's my pleasure to do it, really. :D