Sunday, September 16, 2007


As I was helping some of the Latin 1 students study for the first test (that everyone did well on apparently - "yay!" for y'all!) on Wednesday, we got to talking about favorite Latin verbs...

My favorite is facere (to do, to make). It's a very purposeful verb. ::nods::

I thought that this would be a good topic for a Latin blog... So everybody who wants to answer, what's your favorite Latin verb?

(And if anyone in Latin 3 might be able to tell me what the homework for Monday's class is, I'd really appreciate it.)



E Pluribus Unum said...


Funny that you like facere. I am terrified of it because I don't have my English vowels down, especially the A's. I constantly worry that I am going to pronounce something else, especially when it comes to the third sg. in the present and the 2nd sg. inmperative. Phew, I won't even go near those!

I don't have my book here with me, but do translate chapter 37 and do as many exercises as you can, in the order that they appear in the back of the book. You know we will go through the whole thing, so it doesn't hurt to be prepared.

Cras enim!


Unknown said...

mine is "inquit"'s just fun to say!!!


RaeS said...

LOL! I think no matter how you say "facit," it's going to be a double-entendre if you think it will a double-entendre. The line between "ah" and "uh" is pretty thin. ;D

I'll get as much done as I can manage...

RaeS said...

"Inquit" is pretty fun to say...

E Pluribus Unum said...


Inquit is a cool verb for another reason---it is what we call a 'defective' verb, meaning that it has lost various persons and tenses---they are not featured in Roman texts. In fact, the only form I have ever seen is the 3rd sg. inquit....hmm, I wonder why the rest disappeared...

Sara C. said...

Hmmm... I'm with Lauren in that my favorite word is just plan fun to say: "susarrare." I really like how it's a sort of onomatopoeia.

10 years ago when I was in French class, my friends and I would try to use our favorite words "pamplemousse" and "écureuil" as often as we could in class... Luckily all the verbs and nouns we've encountered in Latin so far seem to have more practical applications than those! :)

E Pluribus Unum said...


What do those words even mean?!

Ah, those French! So fu-fu....