Saturday, April 21, 2007

OK, I love that we've learned the verb nubere. I have been attempting to talk about my upcoming wedding in Latin... and failing miserably. However, I'm designing the programs for our wedding myself and I'm thinking of coming up with a nice little phrase in Latin to include. Talk about blowing away our families!

But on to more important things, for test #3, the vocabulary from chap. 32 will be included, yes? It's on the study guide that was passed out, so I'm assuming that... we just won't be tested on anything else from 32 until the final, correct? Also, since I have been conjugating verbs up, down, right, left, and inside out all weekend, I was wondering about the prefect of confidere. It's not in the back of the book, so is it something to worry about? I did some searching through my treasure trove of Latin websites and found that the first-person perfect is confidavi. Is this correct? Am I worrying too much?

I think that's all for now from me. Thanks!

Olivia H.


E Pluribus Unum said...


Don't worry about confidere; it's more special than special can be! I have theperfect phrase for your wedding in Latin, but I will tel you in class. yes to the vicab or 32 for the test, but the grammar will come into play only in the final.

Yours, E.

PS. i look scary swollen, but the peas were ingennious! thank you so much! if only everything else in life could be solved with a bag of frozen peas, I would have it made!

Olivia said...

Haha, I'm glad the peas are helping. When I had mine removed, I was swollen and bruised for about two days. After day four, I could speak almost properly again. And if life's problems could be solved with vegetables, then being a vegetarian would mean a whole lot more to me!

Thanks for the answers as well. :)

E Pluribus Unum said...

See you tonight at the LIBRARY!!!

E Pluribus Unum said...'s meeeee....STACEY BEDARD!!! lol