Monday, April 16, 2007

Latin Substitute

The Teacher who substituted was interesting I thought. He didn't even introduce himself and tell us his name but spoke the whole time in Latin. It was fascinating to see somebody ACTUALLY SPEAKING in Latin to us instead of the generic reading and translating. It moved the experience of Latin to another dimension for me. I felt like I was somewhat in ancient Rome and taking class with a professor like a bunch of elementary students. So maybe I would be like Robbin Williams in the movie 'Jack' where I'm forty years old and the rest of the kids are twelve but ya know...
The end of the semester is providing for some difficulty because the speed at which we're moving to crunch stuff in at the end is taxing and not to mention there are MAAAD papers due in my other classes and lots of reading requirements they are piling on for the end of the session as well. Latin has definitely increased my vocabulary which is one of the main reasons I took Latin is to not only have a segue basis to learning other languages but to also improve my knowledge of the English language and build my vocabulary as well. What did you guys think of that substitute teacher guy. I'm sure we'll hear a bit about it in class today.


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