Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Farewell Cicero!

As the semester comes to a close, I will say farewell to dear Cicero...sarcasm anyone?  I am just kidding! I actually enjoyed Cicero and as a result have a newfound respect for him.  I came across a great site devoted to Cicero hosted by the University of Texas.  If you are interested in learning more about Cicero, it has a great chronology of his works AND an amazing bibliography section with the names of MANY articles and books. Enjoy!

Anne L.


E Pluribus Unum said...


Not "either" "or", not exclusive but inclusive!

Both sarcasm and real affection---after all, you sat with the master of that paradox for a whole semester...hehehehe... (>> insert evil laugh sound effect)


E Pluribus Unum said...

I love sarcasm!

But I will admit I enjoyed de Amicitia.

Although, I think I gained the most respect for Tiro. I just wish he had persevered some of his own letters. I would have like to know how he wrote to Cicero.

- Shannon