Monday, April 20, 2009

It has taken me all term...

To get here and actually post. I always say "I will do that later today." Well, it never really gets done, I even caught myself doing that today! But, I made it here, finally. This term has been very long it seems. We covered a lot of new material with in Latin 2. Past tense was actually kind of fun once you get the hang of translating it into English. I really did have a lot of fun with the formation of comparative and superlative adjectives. I'm curious as to what Latin 3 will bring in the Fall, and I seriously hope that I can remember everything from this last year! Anyone have any tips or ideas on how to keep everything moving forward? I forgot so much just in three weeks of Winter break, I'm really scared what a whole Summer will do! Will post again soon,

Candis B.

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