Sunday, November 30, 2008

So much more than I expected.

I decided to take this class partly because of an undecided major, and partly because my friend was taking it and convinced me that I should join her. I'm really glad that I did follow her lead and take this class. I'm taking much more from it than I had anticipated. I never thought I would leave this class knowing more English grammar than when I began. After being exposed to Latin, it makes me feel as if English is a lazy and kind of informal language. One must really understand parts of sentences to be able to properly decline nounds and adjectives, and to conjugate verbs.
I really enjoy the way the book teaches through stories because it makes it much easier to learn. On top of making it easier to learn, it gives us the opportunity to take away some Greek mythology. This class has given me a much greater appreciation for the Roman world, and just language in general. I am definitely taking much more from this class than I ever could have expected. : )

-Alyssa Rigolo

1 comment:

E Pluribus Unum said...


Thank you for contributing to the blog---time and again I have heard that Latin really helps with English. It is certainly somnething that does not occur to me naturally, since modern Greek is every bit as structured as Latin (cases, conjugations, numbers, etc etc.) so the leap into Latin was much more easier for me than it could be for any of you.

No wonder I always congratulate people at the end of the semester for making it! Believe me, I completely understand how steep the learning curve is (and wait until you see next semester!)