Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Rome in 3D!!!

So, I was messing around with google earth for my Oceanography class, of all things, and I found a new setting where you can explore Ancient Rome in 3D!! It was neat for me to be able to see the places that I'm translating about in class. I totally recommend you taking a look at it, because I found it to be fun and very interesting! I hope you enjoy it! : )

Here's the link:


C. Danielle G.


E Pluribus Unum said...

This is SO cool! The forum is amazing! If you have/will take Roman Empire with Dr. Langford it would great to reference this before her map quizzes of the city.


E Pluribus Unum said...

This is really excellent---I didn't know where half of these things were, but this makes it really easy! Ha, too bad Rome doesn't still look like that....