Saturday, November 29, 2008

Forever with Me

So when I first told my family that I wanted to take Latin as my language requriement for graduation they thought I was nuts. My mom literally said, "Who in their right mind would learn a dead language?"

Umm... I would.

I guess I decided to take it because of a book actually. And not even a Latin book. I decided to take Latin because of the Daughters of the Moon series by Lynne Ewing. It's this series of books about four girls that were born with these special abilities; one can read minds, one gets premonitions, one can become invisible, and one can jump back and forth through time (that one's my favorite, her name is Catty :] )

Anyway, these girls have dreams of this woman named Maggie and when they finally meet her one day she tells them what they really are :

"Tu es dea, filia lunae. You are a goddess, a daughter of the moon."

She tells them this in Latin and somehow they all understand. Turns out Selene, the goddess of the moon and the girls true mother has given each of them their power and by using their powers together they can fight off the greatest evil in the world, the Atrox. Oh and they were all born KNOWING how to speak Latin.

Crazy right?

Anyway, there are 13 books, I've been reading them since I was a sophmore in high school and the last book came out recently (I'm a senior at USF), so I've spent years reading this language wishing I could understand it, or at least learn how to pronounce the words correctly. :] So when the chance came around, I jumped on it, and I'm so glad I did. haha! When I first saw 'filia' in our text book I was really excited because I already knew what that one meant.

So now that I told you all about why I decided to take Latin you're probably wondering why I titled this blog "Forever with Me". A few years ago I got a crescent moon tattooed on my lower back because these books affected me so strongly and just recently I decided to add to it. Soon the profile of a woman will be added inside of the moon and the words 'Filia Lunae' will be forever at her sides.

-Jessica Dingman


E Pluribus Unum said...

That sound like an awesome book series. I will have to check it out. I'm definitely a fantasy fan, and am always looking for new books. And don't worry, you aren't crazy for waiting to learn Latin just because of a book. I mean...I picked up Japanese just because I loved anime so much. Another "fun" tidbit from literature is that the Harry Potter book series (and movies) all the spells are said in Latin. I wonder why most writers default to Latin for their "magic work". Interesting thing to think about.

Candis B.

E Pluribus Unum said...

Now, you won't believe this, but I got into Latin because of a book (and then the movie) myself. It was this book called 'Quo Vadis' which apparently was a much bigger deal than I knew at the time (I was only 10!) The book tells the story of a Christian woman who falls in love with a pagan Roman legionary during the decadent reign of emperor Nero. So, no, I don't think it's strange that you got into Latin because of a book at all! I am really glad your path brought you to Latin, even if it went through the moon to do so....


Anonymous said...

I wish I had been born magically understanding Latin!


E Pluribus Unum said...

Ha, ha, Anne!!! At this point, you practically DO breathe Latin!!

Can't wait for Cicero, btw. Last time I looked on OASIS, I counted 17 heads---this is either a clerical mistake, or it's going to be one heck of a ride!!!