Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Excellent Complement to Other Languages

Learning Latin has helped me understand more about English and has been a great complement for Spanish and other languages. I'm currently taking Russian as well as Latin and some of the structural similarities have made it helpful to take both, though sometimes I mix up the languages in my head.

I also enjoyed translating passages and creating mental pictures from non-English words. It was helpful to have large stories to translate because it offered context for the words that we were using.

Latin offered a historical background to a number of common English words, which better helps me understand the intended meaning and current usage of those words. Also, focusing on Latin from more of an academic, written standpoint rather than speaking it was helpful to building a general sense of Western languages.

All in all, a good experience that challenged my brain.

-Christian Marble, LAT1120.001

1 comment:

E Pluribus Unum said...

Thank you Chris---I hope that it will continue to challenge your brain next semester too!

Looking forward,