Friday, January 18, 2008

why latin is important

It is clear that many politicians never learned Latin while they were in school. If they did, maybe the future tense would not be such a difficulty for them:

(i would suggest copy/paste...I really don't understand how to make links clickable, or how to make them play. Used to, I think, but not anymore!)
I find it hilarious that our prez can make such a blunder, in front of the army and on t.v. It reminds me of something I would do, trying to learn a foreign language, not really in speaking my native one.
-Stacy S.


E Pluribus Unum said...

Stacey et alii carissimi,

If that youtube video is not evidence for the importance of the sequence of tenses, I don't know what is! Thank you for putting it up there, I laughed so much---someone teach this man some Intermediate Latin, please!


RaeS said...

LOL! Seriously, Prof. M! Someone needs to do that, or at least teach him Remedial English 101. I think he must have been one of those children who are "left behind" that he's always talking about in his speeches on education in America. Great clip, Stacy!