Sunday, May 3, 2009

Vale Latin 1 and 2...

I had originally taken some Latin in high school, though when it came for me to meet the language requirement in order to graduate, I felt that my Latin knowledge had faded over the five years since I had had Latin in high school. Thus I opted not to take the test that determines your foreign language aptitude and can give you your foreign language credit if you pass. I’m glad that I decided to take both Latin 1 and 2. The class reminded and reinforced many of the things that I had learned in high school and very quickly even taught me new things. It was a good feeling being able to translate increasingly difficult passages throughout the two semesters and exercising my Latin ability in this manner truly gave me a sense of acquiring aptitude in another language. Though there is still more that I can learn about the language, I now feel confident in my ability to understand Latin, and I plan to continue my study of the language so that my Latin knowledge does not fade again.

Chris Griesbach

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