Thursday, October 9, 2008

Memorizing Vocabulary

I'm in Latin I and love it. The grammar intrigues me but the vocabulary is killing me! Any tips on getting all these vocabulary words to stick in my head? I made flash cards (probably don’t use them as much as I should) but I get board with them. Any other types of exercises that has worked for any of you?


E Pluribus Unum said...

have you been doing the online drills? I love the hangman---the Philipps ones are hard but those are the most important ones for the lab test.

Wait until you come to Latin 3---that's where the pain is :)

RaeS said...

When I took Latin we didn't have the online drills (that sounds like a lot of fun though!). I usually wrote the words out over and over again, either on paper or a small dry erase board.

RaeS said...

Oh, also... Yes, about the Latin 3 being painful. Worth it. But painful.