Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Latin in the New York Times...

Lovely little op-ed piece that might be just a little depressing, in light of what has been happening with the economy lately, but it also reports the very exciting news that Latin enrollment is up (in New York at least) and interest in the Classics is growing. And there's Latin in it. Lots of Latin. And some fake Latin too. (And also it's very liberally political and more than a little unflattering to certain people the author opposes - just to warn y'all... It is, after all, an op-ed...)

Are We Rome? Tu Betchus!

I'm tempted to say that this is my favorite part: But now we’ve learned the hard way that greed is bad — avaritia mala est — and the classics have staged a comeback. Except, that I think the whole thing is actually my favorite part.

Also, there's an actual article (that's not an op-ed, but is at least just as cool) about enrollment in Latin classes in schools in New York and across the country.


1 comment:

E Pluribus Unum said...

I loved this article! And the best thing about it was that many of my BL I students brought it to my attention (one of them actually printed it out and gave it to me...) which means that people are paying attention outside class, how cool is that?!

Muareen Dowd is brilliant---I loved her neologism "supralupocidit" for "shoots wolves from the helicopter". Barracuda Borrealis??! That is too funny!