Monday, April 14, 2008

Hi all,

Every now and then I visit this blog with the hope of thinking of something worth posting, and I always draw a blank.

Over the weekend, however, I took in three stray kittens with the intention of bringing them to a shelter where they could find a home. They were nasty little things at first, but they came around quite a bit by this morning. I was out of the house by 9:00 to bring them to a shelter (no small feat for me, as I'm not much of a morning person and Latin is my first Monday class); however, the National Humane Society had no room for them. By 11:00, I was at the Hillsborough County Animal Services center, which is when they open for animal surrenders. I've just returned home as there were several people waiting before me, and the facility didn't seem in much of a hurry. My bleeding heart has gotten me in trouble though, as I missed class over this; I couldn't bring them back to my apartment anyway, we have a no-pets policy and I'd already harbored them in secret for 2 days. The woman at the shelter assured me that they were very likely to find a good home.

I thought I'd share a few pictures of them with you all, as they're absolutely precious.

Notably, I have also learned from this experience that if a blanket's tag says 'dry clean only', it doesn't mean 'wash on delicate cycle and air dry'.


P.S. If someone could fill me in on what was covered today in class, and let me know what the homework was, I would greatly appreciate it. See you all tomorrow!


E Pluribus Unum said...


I am sorry I didn't see this earlier---we are translating the first passage on 31.

The kittens are truly too cute, and I wish I had the room to take at least one in. I always think of getting one and then I realize that I am too much away from the house (and Tampa, and the country!) to be a good mom to one.

See you in class later,


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