Sunday, May 20, 2007

new kitten

Hey all!

Hope everyone's summer is going well! I got a new kitten yesterday so I want to share pictures:

Her name is Amaya, which supposedly means "night-rain" in Americanized-Japanese. It's not correct in proper Japanese, but I still like it. As you can see, she has long fur and is pretty much all black. What doesn't show up in the photos is that her coat is shot through with random white hairs. They aren't concentrated enough to make patches anywhere. She also has black-on-black tabby stripes in natural light. Her eyes appear to be a mossy-green-brown, but the pigment may not have settled yet. She was born on April 1st. Her favorite activities so far seem to be playing with left-over bits of string and chewing on fingers.

Dixie is still doing as well as she can considering her health issues. She isn't much of a playmate, but she tolerates Amaya's presence.



E Pluribus Unum said...

so cute. congrats

E Pluribus Unum said...

ps..that was me..stacey hahaha

RaeS said...

;D Thanks, Stacey!