Friday, January 9, 2009

Quo usque, Catilina, abutere patientia nostra?

Dear all,

Here is a message to welcome beginning, intermediate, and advanced Latinists to this electronic notebook. Please share your thoughts on our classes, on Latin in general, or on the Roman world and how it slips into the cracks of each day, unnoticed, and yet so permeating...

My thoughts drift to Cicero---his impossible rise to the consular top, his class neuroses, his self perception, his cutting witty sarcasms, his abandonment by his friends, his death. I hope that people have found some of those things we discussed in class yesterday inspiring, and I am looking forward to more such discussions.

Soon again,


PS. Google 'Cesare Maccari' if you want to know more about this image...the story behind it is very interesting.

1 comment:

RaeS said...

Hi Professor! I hope your vacation over the holidays was nice and restful and that the semester is going well so far.