Friday, June 8, 2007

Was watching The Colbet Report on Comedy Central. Stephen was interviewing a man named Cullen Murphy, the author of a book called Are We Rome?: The Fall of An Empire and the Fate of America. Thought others might be interested in seeing it too...



E Pluribus Unum said...

I love how he dressed up...and then had trouble sitting down! Thanks for sharing!

RaeS said...

You're welcome! ;D I was quite amused by that too! I also loved how he walks up to Cullen Murphy and says, "Salve!" LOL!

E Pluribus Unum said...

Rachael, once again, you bring it girl! I swear you must create your own Latin blog and then let the rest of our unforgettable class participate! I cannot wait to get my hands on this book, probably at the ATL airport the night I come back (June 26). I am actually very excited to be coming back, I think that 5 weeks in Crete really hits the spot. Not too little, not too much, just right! Soon all,


RaeS said...

LOL! Well, I'm just glad you enjoy my posts! And I'm glad that you've been enjoying your trip and I hope that you have a safe trip back.

I'm leaving in about an hour (I hope) to drive up to South Carolina for a couple weeks. So I'm not sure how much I'll be able to check the blog. Rural South Carolina has about as much internet connection as Crete does, except with chickens and hunting dogs instead of goats... ;D