We got a new puppy yesterday! She's a German Shepherd. We're trying to figure out her AKC registration name now. Her father's name on his AKC registration papers is "Argus Maximus," but they call him "Max." My mom wants to call our puppy "Maxie"... So I'm thinking "Maxima" should go on her papers, just like "Maximus" on her father's papers. But the breeder we got her from requires all the puppies for each litter to have AKC names that begin with the same letter, that way they can easily identify which litter each of their puppies comes from in the registry. Maxie's litter letter is "N." So I've been tryng to find a Latin word that we can use that starts with "N" (even if it's not a word that would have been used as a name)... I've been asking friends to pick their favorites from a list that I compiled and it's now tied with five votes for "Nova" and five votes for "Nitida" and also 3 votes for "Nivea" and no votes for anything else. I've had several people point out that "Nova" and "Maxima" are both cars, and that "Nivea" is a handcream. LOL! So I'm leaning toward "Nitida." What do y'all think?
Also, pictures:
Addendum: We've decided on "Nitida Maxima" for her AKC papers.
There was Latin in the Supernatural Season Finale, which aired this past Thursday night. I made a video of those clips to share. They did three rituals: finding the location of demon, summoning a demon and making holy water. I was a happy girl. LOL!
There's something wrong with YouTube right now, and it doesn't seem to want to show embedded videos. I don't know why, but it seems to be across the board and not just me, although it could be my computer. So if it doesn't show up above here, you can click through to the YouTube page here.
There was a lot of other uses of Latin in this season of Supernatural that I never made videos of... I wanted to, but it takes so long to do it on my computer, and I was so busy, you know... I'll probably get to making those over the summer, but I may or may not subject y'all to them. :D It depends on what else I come up with to post about here. After all, I must keep in touch.
I hope everyone is having fun with whatever you're doing now, and that you'll post about it every now and then.
Since school let out, I've been helping my parents pick things out for our cabin in Virginia. Construction is almost completed and by this time next month, we'll be moving things in. I've also been very busy with my vegetable garden and work around the house. If you want to, you can keep up with these things in greater detail (there are pictures!) at my own blog.
So, I am taking Ancient Greek @ UF right now, which is gorgeous btw, but I miss Latin. I never thought I would say this but it's easier. The class I am taking is accelerated and they were not joking. It's day 3 and we have: learned a new alphabet and its pronunciation, learned the 1st and 2nd declensions of nouns, and learned the present, imperfect, future, and aorist tenses in the indicative active. whoa. Oh, Latin! How I miss thee! Let me count the ways...
I miss that you only have 4 principle parts as opposed to 6! I miss that your perfect tense is not split into 2 tenses! I miss that you only have 2 moods! And most of all, I miss your alphabet!
; P
P.S. I almost forgot! I miss the ablative case too! And even though the alphabet is foreign when I look at the page and actually understand it, it is extremely satisfying. Almost as satisfying as translating De Brevitate Vitae...but not quite!