Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Something that made me smile...

...while making my Latin flashcards.

Interesting thought isn't it? I freely admit to being a hard core video game addict when it comes to the role-playing genre of games. There is a character in Final Fantasy IX whose name is Vivi. I just started playing the game over a few weeks ago, and honestly never seriously thought to much of the names. Last week or so, while working on my flashcards I came across the Latin adjective "vivus." Did not think much of it until I had finished the card and looked down to see "vivi" written there. It made me think of that character, and honestly how appropriate this name was. "Vivus" means alive, living - the character Vivi throughout the entire game is trying to learn what it means to be alive, and what should be treated as a living person. So, that little connection of Latin words and contemporary ideas, while making my Latin flashcards, gave me a smile.

Candis B.

1 comment:

E Pluribus Unum said...

I played that game, I never thought of Vivi that way either, that's pretty neat. I'm trying to think of some other characters with names with Latin roots, but none are really coming to mind except like Draco from Harry Potter heh.

-Robert Speich