Tuesday, April 10, 2007

since i'm a dweeb and apparently don't need any sleep, i decided to use my time wisely and look up songs in latin. what i really want is modern songs done in lain (i don't know how many one you say the translation of baby got back into latin and then back out, but it pretty much made my little heart go aflutter)

Wikipedia had a list of songs that have parts in latin, and i think when i'm more awake i'm going to have to find the black sabbath songs redone into latin, for pure giggles.

also of the funny is the google latin

puff the magic dragon, to latin and back

sheesh, i need to sleep. like, now.

mia tignor


RaeS said...

Couldn't remember what we had talked about at Tequila Flats when we were being Latin nerds? ;D

E Pluribus Unum said...

bah no i couldn't!

can you?