Sunday, February 4, 2007

Okay, so in watching the Rome series with a friend, we have a random question about the money situation. What are the basic denominations for the Roman money? I know denarii is the one in the book, but what are the other basic units? And how do you say thank you in Latin....and goodbye.....and is salute hello?....I guess it was more than one question....


RaeS said...

Sestercii are mentioned a lot on "Rome"... but I'm not sure what it's worth in relation to denarii. "Salve" is hello to one person. They use it a lot in the first season of "Rome." And I'm guessing that "salvete" is the imperative plural. And goodbye is "Iubeo valere te (or vos)," or something like that, isn't it? For thank you, I have no idea...

E Pluribus Unum said...

Hey all,

I have been reading your postings and will respond in detail this weekend; my carpal tunel is acting up these days, and I try to avoid typing as much as I can. Apologies, and keep up the good work!


RaeS said...

Oh, I just remembered that thank you is in our text book! One of the early chapters... would look, but I really don't feel like going across the room to get my book at the moment...